This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Zoom into the door for a puzzle. Press the center dial to rotate the gems until the gems on the outside match the one in the center.

To solve the puzzle, rotate the buttons in this order: I, H, I, E, G, I, G, E, C, A, E, C, E, Ax2, B, Fx2, C, Fx3, Cx2, B, Ex2, F, H, F, Hx2, F, E, H, D, G, Ex3, D, Gx2, I, G, Ix2, E, D, G, Ix2, Ex2, H, Ix2, H, E, Hx3, I, and H.

Place the SHIPS MEDALLION in the slot (J).

Go into the Chapel Hall.

Zoom into the fountain and read the letter (K).

Examine the device; take the TWEEZERS and the SCYTHE (L).

Walk down.

Zoom into the thorny branches and use the SCYTHE on them; take the MATCHBOX (M).

Return to Chapel Hall.

Zoom into the unlit candles and use the MATCHBOX on them; take the ANGEL WAND (N).

Return to the Antique Street Docks and go to the Warehouse in the upper left.