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Transform empty malls into bustling shopping centers with Mall-a-Palooza! A business opportunity awaits you in the form of a large renovated mall space. The only problem is that the space must be filled with stores in order to entice customers to shop there. Show your superior mall design skills and get the stores teeming with foot traffic, but success won't come easy however, because products break, thefts occur, and litter can be everywhere. Once you prove your ability to turn that empty space into a shopping Mecca, you will be rewarded with fantastic opportunities to design bigger and better malls! Layout and upgrade stores, hire employees, construct theaters, and plan special events. With more than 30 enticing levels, multiple objectives, untimed sandbox modes, and a host of mall improvements to use, running the shopping bliss is all in your hands! Play Mall-a-Palooza free with the demo version, or download the full version today!