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Level 13.

Tasks: 6 Cabins with 3 Stars and Gardens, 6 Flowers. Resources: 5 Workers. Obstacles: Debris.


Clear the debris. Salvage the trailer with no stars. Repair the broken trailer.

Build a factory. Create supplies continuously. Salvage the tents and build 2 cabins. Repair the shaman’s wagon.

Salvage the trailer with 1 star and build a cabin. Salvage the trailer with 2 stars and build a cabin. Hire another worker. Upgrade the factory.

Upgrade the cabins to 3 stars. Salvage the trailer with 3 stars and build a greenhouse. Upgrade the greenhouse. Start growing seeds continuously. Create supplies until you have 1,400 then salvage the factory.

Build a cabin and upgrade to 3 stars. Build gardens on all cabins. Grow 600 more seeds and then salvage the greenhouse.

Build the flowers.

Build a cabin with 3 stars and a garden.

Level 14.

Tasks: $4,500 Daily Income. Resources: $2,000, 500 Supplies, 4 Workers. Obstacles: Debris, Broken Bridges.

Tips: Building all bridges allows workers to get to plots quicker.


Build a cabin.

Repair the available bridge.

Dig the treasure.

Clear the debris piles.

Start creating supplies continuously.

Build the bottom bridge.

Hire a worker.

Build 3 more cabins.

Start upgrading all cabins to 3 stars.

At $2,000 daily income upgrade the factory.

Hire 2 workers.

Create 700 supplies and salvage the factory.

Build a cabin and upgrade to 1 star.

Level 15.

Tasks: 3 Hot Dog Stands, 75 Happiness, 3 Cabins . Resources: $2,000, 500 Supplies, 4 Workers.

Obstacles: Broken Bridge. New Features: Hot Dog Stand, Happiness.

Tip: It is not necessary to construct the bridge.


Build 2 cabins.

Build a factory.

Clear the debris.

Start creating supplies.

Repair the broken cabin.

Build a hot dog stand.

Salvage the tent.

Build another hot dog stand.

When you have 500 supplies salvage the factory.

Build another hot dog stand on the empty plot.