This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Once the door opens, collect the REMOTE CONTROL (A).

Zoom into the television; change the station using the REMOTE CONTROL until you see the AXE (B).

Use the AXE to smash the screen completely and then collect the first DEMON EYE (C).

You will be transported back to the Writer’s Tower.

Zoom into the sparkles to play a HOP.

Spin the globe to find South America (D).

Collect the Cat (E) and then flip the page twice to find the Hippopotamus (F).

Collect the remaining items to receive the RECORD.

Zoom into the other book; place the SCREENPLAY PAGE 5 in the book (G) and begin to write on it with the FILLED INK PEN. Travel through the portal.

Collect the COFFEE POT (H) and the BOTTLE (I).

Zoom into the water (J) to fill the BOTTLE and get the BOTTLE WITH WATER.

Zoom into the van; collect the GAS CYLINDER (K).

Zoom into the record player; collect the GAS LIGHTER (L).

Place the RECORD on the player. Spin the handle (M) and then place the needle (N) on the record.

Collect the COFFEE BEANS (O).