This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Place the PUZZLE PIECE into the device.

Use the red buttons to rotate the pieces to the correct place.

Press Jx2, Lx2, Nx2, and Px2 for the casual solution.

Press Px1, Ox1, Nx1, Mx1, Lx1, Kx1, Lx1, Kx3, Lx1, Kx1, Lx1, Kx2, Px3, Ox1,Nx1, Ox3, Nx1, Mx1, Nx3, Mx1, and Nx3 for the hard solution.


Walk down and go up the stairs.

Use the KNIFE on the tapestry; take the SAW (A).

Use the KEY TO ESTELLE’S ROOM on the lock (B).

Read the note and take the HANDKERCHIEF (C).

Enter Estelle’s Room.

Pull down the cage (E).

Open the cage and use the REBORN ONE on the mouse (F).

Give the SUNFLOWER SEEDS to the mouse; take the MOUSE and the 1/2 GOLDEN BUG SYMBOL (G).