This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Move all the trash; take the WOODEN FLOWER PIECE 2/2 (E).

Place the BELL TOWER MINIATURE (F); take the SCULPTURE and FLAG (G). Use the RATCHET WRENCH on the bolt (H).

Walk down.

Place the 2 WOODEN FLOWER PIECES (I); use the FEATHER on the cobwebs; take the SCANNER FILTER (J).

Use the Camera on the swan; add the SCANNER FILTER to it.

Solution (K). Press the button (L).

Place the FLAG on the globe; remove it and take the RAZOR BLADE (M). Return to the Hotel Room.

Play the puzzle.

Solution: P~Rx3~Sx2.

Take the Tape Recorder (T). Move the cloth; take the Tape and then the MAILBOX KNOB (U). Play the Tape in the Recorder.

Walk down twice.