This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Place the CAT FOOD on the bowl and it will land on the floor. Use the CAN OPENER on the can; take the MAP PIECES 3/5 (I).

Go to the Front yard (J).

Open the door; take the GLOVES (K).

Use the GLOVES on the thorns; take the MAP PIECES 4/5 and the STICK (L).

Use the STICK to get the MAP PIECES 5/5 (M).

Walk down.

Place the 5 MAP PIECES on the table to activate a puzzle.

Rotate the pieces and drag them into place (N). Take the MAP TO THE VILLAGE.

Return to the Front yard.

Put down the MAP TO THE VILLAGE (O). Place the CAR KEYS in the ignition and turn it (P). Open the door; take the SUITCASE (Q).

Remove the board (R).

Take the NAIL (S) and then the Note.

Enter the Tavern (T).