This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Put the PYRAMID-KEY PARTS on the altar (M).

Play the HOP (N).

You receive GOLDEN APPLE 3/3.

Put the GOLDEN APPLES on the box; take the TELEPORTATION CARD, note and PLATE WITH RUNES (O).

Go to the Top of the Volcano.

Put the PLATE WITH RUNES on the arch and take the ARCH (P).

Take the broken pieces off the altar, put the ARCH on it and light it with the GLOWING JAR (Q).

Put the ARCH CONTROLLER on the altar for a mini-game.

Move the ball to the red dots by moving the ball on the joystick in the right directions; L = left, R = right, U = up, D = down.

Solution 1: L, U, R, D, L, U.

Solution 2: L, U, R, D, R, U, L, D, L, U, R, D, L.

Solution 3: D, L, U, R, U, L, U, R, D, L, U, L.