This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Lift the mat; take the DOOR KEY (J).

Use the DOOR KEY in the lock (K).

Enter the house.

Take the BOOMERANG (L).

Open the door; read the note and take the Spectral Fluid Jar (M) which will be added to your toolbar (N).

Use the Spectral Fluid Jar on the fluid (O).

Open the box; take the COMB (P) and note.

Use the 5C COIN on the dispenser; turn the handle and take the MARBLE 1/4 (Q).

Take the MARBLE 2/4 (R).

Go forward.

Open the panel; take the MARBLE 3/4 (S).

Take the MARBLE 4/4 (T).

Back out.

Open the drawer and read the checkbook; place the 4 MARBLES in the box to trigger a puzzle (U).