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Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!


Open the cage, take the HORN PIECE and the ACORN 3/4 (W).

Take the MICROWAVE BUTTON (X). Place the 3 HORN PIECES, then take the NYMPH’S HORN (Y).

Walk down twice.

Give the NYMPH’S HORN to the nymph (Z).

Go into the Trailer.

Place the MICROWAVE BUTTON (Z1); push the button and open the door. Take the ACORN 4/4 (Z2).

Return to the Gas Station.

Put down the 4 ACORNS to activate a puzzle.

Solution: 16-E, 15-E, 14-E, 8-D, 12-B, 11-D, 14-D; 10-E, 12-C, 4-C, 3-C, 2-B, 3-A, 10-A, 15-A.

2-E, 7-C, 6-E, 15-B, 10-B, 3-B, 14-A, 6-A, 7-A, 4-E, 11-C, 8-C, 4-D, 2-D, 8-E, 11-E.

12-D, 11-C, 8-C, 12-E, 2-C, 4-E, 7-D, 6-D, 14-D, 4-A, 12-A, 14-A, 6-E, 7-E, 14-D, 7-A, 6-D, 7-D, 16-A.

You receive the DECORATION PIECE.

Return to the Small Hut.