This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Open the gate.

Play the HOP (A).

You receive the MAILBOX KEY.

Turn the mailbox flag and open the mailbox with the MAILBOX KEY (B); take the DOOR KNOCKER (C).

Talk to the door knocker, put the DOOR KNOCKER in his mouth and knock (D).

Walk forward.

Try to wake Scrooge.

Talk to the Ghost of Christmas Past (E).

Take the BELL (F).

Put the BELL on the fireplace and take the BOOKMARK (G).

Take the SLING and open the book with the BOOKMARK (H); take the SCREWDRIVER (I).

Remove the WINDOW HANDLE with the SCREWDRIVER (J).

Eat the gingerbread house until you find a HEART HALF (K).

Go upstairs.