This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Make a combination of 13. We used 4 plus 9 (L).

Place the wolf (M) in the slot (N).

Turn off all the lights (O) except the blue ones.

Turn off all the lights (O), then turn back on only the yellow ones.

Turn off all the lights (O) and only turn on the red ones.

Give the saw (P) to the rabbits (Q). Touch them in this order; left, right, left, right, and left.

Remove the bell (R).

Change the needle on the power meter as shown (S). Use the arm on the strongman (T) to shatter the glass above.

Rotate the 3 zebras (white); place the key (purple) in the lock.

Rotate the wheel twice; rotate the 3 sheep (blue); place the key (purple) in the lock.

Rotate the wheel once. Rotate the 3 mice (orange); place the key (purple) in the lock. Turn all keys and remove the lock.

Change the code to 315 (U) by using the symbols as a clue (V).

Go to the Attractions.