This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Select the doorway twice (A).

Take the STICK (B).

Take the 3 POUCHES (C).

Select the drawing to get a CAVE DRAWING (D).

Use the DAGGER to get TWINE (E).

Back out twice.

Place the STICK and TWINE on the TWINE on the spearhead; receive a SPEAR (F).

Take the RAKE PARTS 2/2 (G).


Go forward twice.

Use the SPEAR on the boulder (I).

Go forward.

Speak to the kobold (J); give the 2 RAKE PARTS to him and receive a RAKE.

Take the MINING HAT (K) and select the drawing twice to receive POLLEN AND RESIN (L).

Select the drawing twice to receive a BEANSTALK (M).

Use the DAGGER on the rope to trigger a HOP (N).