This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Play the HOP.

Turn the numbered dials to create items. The matching colored areas are item locations when turned.

Select the pieces (J).

Take the LOCKET (K).

Use the LOCKET on the symbol (L).

Take the Perpetual Prison and select it (M); it is now added to your toolbar (N).

Speak to the cat.

Select anywhere and receive an EARTHQUAKE NOTE.

Take the PEBBLE (O).

Take the ACORNS 1/4 (P).

Go forward.

Take the ACORNS 2/4 (Q).

Use the DAGGER to get the VINE (R).

Use the DAGGER on the branch; place the VINE and PEBBLE on the branch. Receive a SLINGSHOT (S).

Back out.