This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Remove the broken rung, connect the BOARDS and the 4 NAILS to the ladder (E), and hit the nails with the HAMMER; take the LADDER.

Put the LADDER into the crack (F).

Go down the ladder.

Remove the blanket (G).

Light the candles with the FLUTTERFIRE (green); take the BOWL OF HYGEIA (H).

Go to the Office.

Insert the BOWL OF HYGEIA into the slot (I); take the SPIRITS OF AMMONIA (J).

Go to the Secret Hallway.

Hold the SPIRITS OF AMMONIA next to the man (K).

Talk to the man (L); you receive the KEY.

Go up.

Insert the KEY into the lock (M) and turn it; take the GLUE (blue) and the GLOVES (green).

Go to the Secret Hallway.

Collect the MIRROR SHARDS with the GLOVES (N).

Go to the Hallway.