This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Open the curtain and look at the safe (A).

Find the window that has the 3 upper panes (B) that match the dots in the first row (C) and push the rectangular buttons (D) to match the panes at the bottom of that window (E).

Do this for all 5 rows.

Take the 3/6 HELMET from inside the safe.

Walk down and look at the door on the upper floor.

Place the SIGNET RING in the center (G).

Select 2 matching symbols that are in the same column or row to remove those symbols and the ones between (H).

Remove enough to have a full space below the laser line (I).

There are 3 boards to complete.

Take the 2 JEWELS and place them in the door (J).

Enter the sitting room.

Take the MUSIC BOX KEY (K).

Move the painting, pull the rope, and take the 4/6 HELMET (L).