This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Insert the KNIFE EMBLEM into the slot (K); take the FILE (L) and look at the paper pieces (purple).

Assemble the note correctly (M); take it.


Put down the FILE (O).

Walk down.

Connect the EMERALD (green) and the PENDANT (P) to the statue; take the JEWELED KEY (Q) and the GOLD BANGLE (R).

Move forward.

Insert the JEWELED KEY into the lock (S); take the HAND RAKE (T).

Walk down three times.

Give the STUFFED GOPHER TOY to the gopher (U); take the NECKLACE (V).

Give the NECKLACE to the man (W); you receive the SHEARS.

Remove the vines with the SHEARS (X).

Move forward.