This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Open the door; take the METAL ROSE (Y).

Walk down twice.

Insert the METAL ROSE into the slot (Z).

Enter the Garden.

Take the TOKEN (A); take the PIN (B).

Pour the OIL CAN over the pruning shears and take the PRUNING SHEARS (C); take the HAMMER (D).

Take the PAINTBRUSH (blue); melt the ice with the FLUTTERFIRE (purple).

Remove the vines with the PRUNING SHEARS (E); take the DRAGON'S WING (green).

Cut the grass with the PRUNING SHEARS (F); take the DRAGON'S WING (G).

Go to the Hallway.

Connect the 2 DRAGON'S WINGS to the dragon (H); take the SAPPHIRE EYE (I).

Move forward.