This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Pour the OIL CAN over the armor (C); take the DOOR HANDLE (purple).

Go to the Corridor.

Connect the DOOR HANDLE to the door (D) and insert the SCREWS into the door handle; fix the screws with the SCREWDRIVER and push the handle.

Enter the Werewolf's Room.

Send the FLUTTERFIRE into the room (E).

Take the BOOK TOKEN (F).

Insert the BOOK TOKEN into the niche (G).

Play the mini-game.

Solution: 1-3.

Take the RUNE (H).

Go to the Hotel Entrance.

Insert the RUNE into the niche (I); take the BLUE ELIXIR (J).

Go to the Werewolf's Room.

Pour the GREEN, the BLOOD, and the BLUE ELIXIRS into the lamp (K); take the MAGIC LAMP.

Go to the Hallway.