This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Put the BUTTON on the control panel; move all buttons to their correct places to access a mini-game (W).

Use the arrows to move the human tokens to the blue portals and the snakes to the green portals.

Solution: X3, Y4x3, Y2, Y4, Y2, X1x2, X4, X3x2, Y4x2, Y2x4, Y4x2, Y2, Y4x2, Y2x3, Y4x2, X1, X3x2, X1x2, X3, X1, X3, X1, X3x2, X1, Y1, Y2x2, Y4x2, Y2, X2, X1x3, X3x4, X1x2.

Talk to the woman; take TRIANGLE 1/2 and the SNAKESKIN (Z).

Go to the Sewer.

Put the HOT WATER BOTTLE on the eggs (A); zoom in to play a mini-game.

Place the heaters among the eggs so all eggs are warmed.

Casual (B) and hard (C) solutions are shown.