This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Go to the Stone Head.

Use the CAT on the tree (G).

Take the RED TURTLE (H).

Use the DRAGON LIGHTER on the thorns; take the SPATULA (I) and the raccoon (J).

Go to the Coyote Cage.

Put the COYOTE KEY in the lock (K).

Use the COMB on the coyote (L); take FEATHER 3/3 and the COYOTE HAIR (M).

Go to the Terrace.

Put the FEATHERS on the statuette; take the GREEN CHAMELEON (N).

Go into the Jaguar Cage.

Remove the marked stone with the SPATULA; take the PUZZLE PART (O).

Put the BLUE ELEPHANT, RED TURTLE and GREEN CHAMELEON on the safe (P); zoom in for a mini-game.