This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

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Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Examine the control console; place the AURUM SIGN in the slot (Q).

Place the GOLD BAR in the inlay (R) and pull the lever (S).

Place the PHOENIX FEATHER in the liquefied gold to receive the GOLDEN FEATHER (T).

Return to the Fountain.

Examine the wall; place the GOLDEN FEATHER and the GOLDEN HEART in the slots (U).

Examine the compartment to activate a puzzle (V).

To solve the puzzle, drag the weights from one dial to another so that they they form a triangle with the blue lines.

Please see the screenshot for the solution; the color yellow indicates how many weights should be placed on each dial (W).

Take the GRYPHON RING (X).

Return to the Lake.

Examine the statue; place the GRYPHON RING in the slot (Y).

Take the 3rd CELLAR RIVET (Z) and the PEBBLE (A).

Return to the Garden.

Examine the door; place the CELLAR RIVET, the 2nd CELLAR RIVET, and the 3rd CELLAR RIVET in the slots and select them (B).

Take the DETONATOR (C) and the DOOR HANDLE (D).

Return to the Cliffs.