This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Examine the flasks; place the TREE SAP in the grinder and take the TREE SAP POWDER (T).

Place the TREE SAP POWDER in the flask (U).

Place the GLOWING MUSHROOM in the grinder and take the MUSHROOM POWDER (V).

Place the MUSHROOM POWDER in the flask (W).

Place the RAINBOW COAL in the grinder and take the COAL POWDER (X).

Place the COAL POWDER in the flask (Y).

Place the TREE FLOWER NECTAR in the flask (Z).

Select the handle (A).

Take the WEED KILLER (B).

Return to the Crossroads.

Use the WEED KILLER on the plant (C).

Walk northwest to the Courtyard.

Take the EMPTY JAR (D) and the FIRE FIGURINE (E).

Walk down and then northeast to the Cliffs.


Walk forward to the Mountain Cave.

You will receive the SWEET SYRUP.

Select the page (H).

Examine the wall; place the SUN SYMBOL in the slot to activate a puzzle (I).