This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Take the PIANO KEY (N).

Take COIN 2/3 (O).

Take the RUNGS (P).

Take COIN 3/3 (Q) and read the note (R).

Walk down.

Insert the 3 COINS into the slot (S); take the HAMMER (T), the NAILS (U), and read the note (V).

Read the note (green); connect the RUNGS and NAILS to the ladder (purple), hit the nails with the HAMMER, and take the LADDER (W).

Walk down.

Shoot the SLINGSHOT at the raven (X) to acquire BAT AMULET 1/2.

Go to the Archive.

Put down the LADDER (Y).

Take BAT AMULET 2/2 (Z) and the FOLIO (A).

Walk down.