This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Use the arrows to move the symbols in the slots using the clue as a reference (E).

To solve the puzzle, select the buttons in this order: Fx3, Gx4, and Hx3 for the first part of the puzzle.

Select the areas marked in green to find the 5 differences between the 2 images (I).

Go through the door to access the Shrine.

Zoom into the container and use the BUCKET OF WATER on the coals (J).

Examine the cabinet and put down the VASE (K).

Zoom into the statue and use the items on the hair in order of appearance: the COMB, the PAIR OF CHOPSTICKS and the EMPRESS’ HEADDRESS (L).


Use the WOOD-ROTTING ESSENCE on the boards to activate a HOP (N).