This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Select the faces as they appear.

To solve the puzzle, select the faces in the order marked (1-6).

You will receive the 4th bestiary scroll.

Take the RUNE 4/4.

Examine the cage and use the 4 RUNES on the teeth. Place the SHAWL on the griffin’s leg; take the GRIFFIN HATCHLING (O).

Back out twice and then go left twice.

Give the GRIFFIN HATCHLING to the griffin. Examine the griffin; open the lock and place the GRIFFIN KEY in it (P).

Examine the barn and knock over the bell; take the PHOENIX RUNE 1/3 (Q) and the UNICORN (R).

Back out twice.

Examine the door and place the UNICORN on the lock (S).

Go forward.

Examine the trunk; take the STICK (T).

Examine the stairs; take the STONE (U).

Back out and go left twice.