This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Examine the fish bowl; put the FISH FOOD in it and take the PYRAMID (Q).

Return to the Museum.

Zoom into the pyramids and put down the PYRAMID (R). Take the WINGED GEM (S).

Examine the statue; put the HORSESHOE in the slot (T) and take the EAGLE CREST (U).

Return to the Guest Room.

Zoom into the top of the mirror. Place the EAGLE CREST in the slot (V) and take the CODEX KEY (W).

Return to Hull Lab.

Zoom into the puzzle box and place the WINGED GEM in the slot to activate a puzzle (X).