This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Move aside the leaf and take the moth (T).

Press the pocketknife twice and take the corkscrew (U).

Open the bag; take the flint (V), and the pencil underneath (W).

You will receive the 1/2 FLINT.

Zoom into the debris and remove 2 stones; read the note (X), remove the board, and take the SHOVEL HEAD (Y).

Move forward.

Zoom into the table and take the MACHETE (Z); connect the SHOVEL HEAD to the stick (A), put down the TAPE, fix the scoop with the tape, and take the SHOVEL.

Walk down.

Zoom into the tent and cut it open with the MACHETE (B); take the SAW (C), the SILVER MAN (D), the RESISTOR (E), and read the note (light blue).

Move forward.

Zoom into the panel; connect the RESISTOR to it (F).

Play the mini-game.