This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Talk to the man (A).

Take the CROWBAR (A1).

Zoom into the crate; use the CROWBAR on it and take the WOODEN PLANKS (B).

Examine the crate for a puzzle.

Remove the hay and put the discovered items into the right slots (C).

Take the BULB (D).

Zoom into the door for a cut scene (E). Zoom into the fire and take the BUCKET (F).

Zoom into the water; use the BUCKET in it to get the BUCKET WITH WATER (G).

Look at the sign and take the LETTER E (H).

Zoom into the mechanism and put the LETTER E in the slot (I). Take the KNIGHT (J).

Zoom into the fire and use the BUCKET WITH WATER on it (K) and then put down the WOODEN PLANKS.

Enter Daniel's Chamber.