This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Examine the left door; use the SAW on it (W).

Go left through the newly-opened door.

Take the SNOW SHOVEL (X).

Examine the fountain; take the RUBY EYE (Y).

Examine the statue; take the LEATHER FACE 1/2 (Z).

Examine the cloth and move it; read the note and take the SILVER IDENTIFIER (A).

Attempt to go up the path on the left.

Back out; go up the stairs and through the left door.

Examine the bear and place the RUBY EYE in the socket; take the 2nd KEY (B).

Examine the chest and use the 2 KEYS in the locks; take the HOOK (C).

Back out twice and go up the ladder.

Examine the hole in the floor; use the HOOK to get the SWORD PENDANT (D).

Back out and go left.