This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Place the RESORT DISC on the left to activate the mini-game (F).

Look at the storyline and picture at the top (G), then find the 2 related items on the discs below.

Use the buttons in the center of the wheels to move the 2 items to the green arrows (H).

The left button (I) spins the left disc one space clockwise and the right disc moves 2 spaces clockwise.

The right button (J) spins the right disc 3 spaces counterclockwise, while the left disc move 2 places counterclockwise.

Press Ix4 to pair the boy and 80, then press Jx5 and Ix5 to pair the cow and wheat.

Press Jx5 and Ix5 to pair the trophy and the mortarboard hat, then press Jx5 and Ix5 to pair the dollar sign and the lightning bolt.

Press Jx5 and Ix5 to pair the deed and car, then press Jx5 and Ix5 to pair the shovel and camera.

Enter the Resort.