This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Pick up the 1 /5 SAPPHIRE (T1 ).

Examine the bulletin board; inspect and take the aerial photograph (U) to get the in-game Map. The Map allows you to fast travel between locations and to see your current objectives.

Take the PAPER CLIP (V).

Look at the console; examine the doors and use the PAPER CLIP on the latch (W).

Remove the panel and place the PIECE OF WIRE with the wires (X).

Examine the buttons to activate a puzzle (Y).

To solve the puzzle, turn all the lights off three times in order to light up the three bulbs on the right-hand side.

Choose the buttons highlighted in green to solve; follow steps A-C to solve the puzzle (I ). Select the button (Z).

Walk down to the Base Entrance and examine the debris to activate a HOP.

Play the HOP to receive the LIGETTER (A).

Walk forward to the Road Fork and select the projector.