This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Move the blanket and examine the register.

Place the CRANK HANDLE in the slot and select it; use the WOODEN WEDGE 011 the crank (H).

Examine the desk and take the OLD CLOTH (I); open the folder and select the contents until you receive the FATHER'S PHOTO (J).

Examine the wall; use the PAINT THINNER, the OLD CLOTH, and then the LETTER OPENER 011 it (K).

Examine the wall; place the FATHER'S PHOTO 011 it to activate a mini-game.

To solve the mini-game, rotate the three dials so the colors match those shown 011 the note. Solution: Ax4, Bx7, and Cx5 (L).

Pick up the PROJECTOR IRIS (M).

Return to the Foyer; walk outside to the Fountain.

Give the PROJECTOR IRIS to the General (N).

Talk to Frederick; examine the debris to activate a HOP.