This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Zoom into the statue and place the GOLD STRINGS on the instrument to activate a puzzle.

Duplicate the sequence played by the violin.

Sequence 1: D, F, A, and B.

Sequence 2: B, A, F, E, and C.

Sequence 3: A, E, E, B, and F.

Sequence 4: C, A, B, F, E, and C.

Sequence 5: C, F, D, B, E, and A.

Zoom into the plant and take POTION INGREDIENTS 7/7 (G).

Zoom into the ground and take the note (H).

Use the TROWEL on the ground and then take the ARROW (I); it will automatically combine with the ROPE to create the ARROW WITH ROPE.

Return to the Astrologer’s Store.

Zoom into the left table; put down the 7 POTION INGREDIENTS and the 2 POTION RECIPE HALVES to activate the puzzle. Follow the instructions on the recipe (green); flip the pages as needed to view all the steps.

Step 1: Place the Red flower (P) and the mushrooms (C) in the bowl (I); use ladle (K) to mix them.

Step 2: Place the funnel (L) over the beaker (J) and transfer the ladle’s contents into the beaker.

Step 3: Place the beaker on the burner (N).

Step 4: Place the Root (D) on the chopping block and then chop it with the knife (G).

Step 5: Place the chopped roots (H), red flowers (A), and the violet flower (B) into the bowl. Use the distillation tube (O) on the beaker to transfer the content in the beaker to the bowl.

Step 6: Use the ladle to mix the bowl ingredients; place the funnel over the beaker.

Step 7: Transfer the ladle’s contents to the beaker and place the beaker on the burner.

Step 8: Use the distillation tube to transfer the content in the beaker to the bowl. Place the remaining ingredients to the bowl (E and F).

Step 9: Pour the water (M) into the bowl.

Step 10: Use the ladle in the bowl. Place the funnel over the bottle (Q).

Step 11: Transfer the ladle’s contents to the bottle (Q) to receive the HEALING POTION.

Return to the Underground Cave.