This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Examine the empty pedestal and place the GNOME on it (U).

Turn the gnomes to match the code on the landing between the gnomes.

To solve the puzzle, select the following gnomes: Yellow hat x 2, green hat x 3 and blue hat x 2.

Examine the landing; take the 2nd APPLE PART (V).

Examine the coffin and zoom into the lock; place the 2 APPLE PARTS in it. Select the apple (W); you will receive CORSET LACE.

Examine the doorway; take the DIRT (X).

Open the doors; take the LEVER (Y).

Back out and go up the left passage twice to the Cliffside.

Examine the statue base; take the 2nd MIRROR SHARD (Z).

Examine the papers and move them; read the note and take the FACE PART (A).

Examine the rope and use the KNIFE on it (B).

Back out three times.

Take the ROPE (C).

Examine the mirror and place the 2 MIRROR SHARDS on it to trigger a puzzle (D).