This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Use the FLIMSY LADDER on the hatch (N).

Go up to the Attic (O).

Use the FEATHER DUSTER anywhere on the scene to clear away cobwebs (P).

Take the METAL CUTTER (Q).

Look at the shelves; take the PAINTBRUSH, use the CUP OF WATER on the case, and take the CORK (R).

Note the chest (S).

Look at the arcade game; insert the 2 COINS in the slot for a mini-game (T).

Clear all the green bricks (A) by hitting them with the ball (B).

Select the paddle (C) to begin, and move your mouse left and right to move the paddle to hit the ball.

Do not let the ball go below the paddle or you will lose a life; lose too many of your lives and you will have to start again.

Take the 2/4 COG from the front of the arcade game.

Look at the chest for a HOP.