This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Look at the chair, move the blanket, and take the WHEEL (A).

Move the crate (B) and take the FEATHER DUSTER (C).

Look at the broken vase and take the 2/2 COINS (D).

Note the mini-game on the wall (E).

Walk down.

Look in the corner and place the WHEEL on the hand truck (F).

Place the BOLT on the wheel, and then take the HAND TRUCK (G).

Walk to the right.

Use the HAND TRUCK twice on the boxes (H).

Go out the door to the Back Porch (I).


Zoom into the rack and take the OLD NEWSPAPER (K).

Zoom into the bush and take the 3 BERRIES (L).

Look at the sink, use the CUP on the tap, and turn on the tap to get the CUP OF WATER (M).

Walk down twice.