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Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Speak to Audrey (K).

Examine the dropped key; take the KEY (L).

Examine the pew to access a HOP (M).

Find the items listed.

Give the egg to the bunny to get an Easter bunny (N).

Place the stained glass piece in the frame to get a stained-glass (O).

Place the eye in the triangle to get the eye of providence (P).

Place the snakes on the wings to get a caduceus (Q).

Use the matches on the volcano to get lava (R).

You will earn a SWITCH.

Go left though the wall to the Embankment.

Open the phone booth and zoom in; open the phone book and take the note (S).

Examine the phone; take the CLIP (T).

Examine the flower cart; take the TWEEZERS (U).

Go up the path on the left.