This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Take the BAG OF HAY (A).

Look at the lockbox and take the MAP (B).

The map is now located above the journal (C).

Select the wagon for a HOP (D).

Locate all the items on the list (E).

Select the 'Switch to puzzle' button to play the alternate game (F).

The instructions for the alternate game are located in the General Tips.

You will earn PUNCH CARD #80.

Look at the lockbox and place PUNCH CARD #80 in the slot (G).

Take the lever, place it on the side, and pull it down (H).

Take the PLANETS DIAGRAM and the SAW (I).

Look at the sconce and use the SAW to cut the torch; take the TORCH and the AIR MEDALLION (J).

Use the TORCH on the dark cloud (K).

Walk forward.