This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Zoom into the back door and take the photo (M); cut through the tape with the RAZOR BLADE, open the box and take the WIRE CUTTER (N).

Zoom into the emergency box and remove the PIECE OF WIRE with the WIRE CUTTER (O); open the box and take the CAN OPENER (P).

Go left into the Portside Passageway.

Zoom into the panel and remove it with the CAN OPENER; take KEY 1/2.

Walk down.

Zoom into the door to the Petty Officer’s Office and pick the lock with the PIECE OF WIRE (R).

Go through the door.

Zoom into the net and cut it with the RAZOR BLADE; take KEY 2/2.

Zoom into the key panel and put the KEYS on it to trigger a mini-game.

Move the rows and columns of keys to organize them by color.

From the default position, one solution is:

Row W: 1 left, Column 01: 1 up, Column 02: 2 up, Column 03: 1 down.

Row V: 1 left, Column 04: 1 up, Column 02: 1 down, Row W: 1 left, and Column 02: 1 up.

You will receive a KEY.

Zoom into the desk for a HOP (X).