This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Take the MACHETE (Y).

Walk down twice to the Temple Archway.

Use the ROPE WITH GRAPPLING HOOK on the structure to activate a HOP (Z).

Play the HOP.

Interactive items are color-coded (A).

You will receive the STONE LEVER and the TORCH.

Zoom into the bushes and use the MACHETE on them three times; take the HORN OF NANDI (B).

Return to the Temple Premises.

Zoom into the swiveling mechanism; place the STONE LEVER on the mechanism and pull the lever (C), then zoom into the stone to activate a puzzle (D).

Use the arrows on the left block to move itself and the piece on the right, until both pieces fall at the bottom.

Please follow the steps on the screenshot (1-8) to receive the BLOCK OF WAX.

Go forward.