This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Look at the clock and set the time to 6:15 (D).

Look at the panel and take the CRYSTAL LENS (E).

Use the map to travel to Oak Street.

Look in the shop balcony and place the SEEDS in the bowl (F).

Open the cage door and try to capture the hamster (G).

Look at the window and use the PENCIL on the grid (H).

Play tic-tac-toe with the mouse until you win, and then take the 1/5 WINDOW (I).

Select the rubble for a HOP (J).

Locate all the items on the list.

Move the yarn and open the box to find the jack-in-the-box (K).

Move the card, take the photo and place it in the frame for the framed photo (L).

Move the sock, take the scissors, and cut open the pillow (M).

Remove the domino and open the drawer on the grinder (N).

Collect the 12 pieces of the box decorations (red).

Press the 4 decorations (O).