This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

* Find the items listed.

* Place the hat on the gnome to get a hatted gnome (E).

* Open the compartment to get the remaining items in orange (F).

* You will earn a KEY.

* Go left.

* Examine the altar and place the KEY in the slot; turn the key and take the STONE CHUNK (G).

* Go right.

* Examine the statue; place the STONE CHUNK in the recess. Slide the buttons to their matching symbols using the clues in your diary from the coffin. See screenshot for solution (H).

* Place the FROZEN NUT in the center, take the TASTY NUT (I).

* Go up the stairs.

* Examine the table and place the PAINT, BRUSH, CHISEL and CRYSTAL on it to trigger a puzzle (J).