This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Examine the clogged fountain and use the SPEAR on it; take the 2nd EYE (F).

Go to the Bridge.

Examine the stump and use the SPEAR on it; take the MUSHROOM (G).

Examine the bush and place the BASKET by it; pick a few berries and take the BERRIES (H).

Go to the Village and examine the building.

Place the TRANQUILIZER RECIPE on the table.

Place the MUSHROOM, ROOT and BERRIES in the mortar (I).

Use the pestle (J) on the mortar and then use the POISONED DART on the mortar to get a TRANQUILIZER DART.

Use the TRANQUILIZER DART on the tube; take the BLOWGUN (K).

Go to the Temple entrance.

Use the BLOWGUN on the guard (L).

Examine the tranquilized guard; take the TEMPLE KEY (M).

Go up to the temple (N).

Examine the temple door and use the TEMPLE KEY on the lock (O).

Enter the Temple.