This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Examine the fountain and play the radio (B); take the newspaper (C).

Use the LEVER in the slot and slide it down (D).

Examine the fountain to access a HOP.

Find the items listed.

Place on the valve on the faucet stem and then place the fish in the bowl to get a goldfish bowl (E).

Use the corkscrew on the bottle to get the message-in-a-bottle (F).

Use the sand on the strainer to get diamonds (G).

Use the hammer on the piggybank to get coins (H).

Move the ivy to get the trident and place it on the statue to get Poseidon (I).

You will earn a TILE.

Examine the door and place the TILE on it to trigger a puzzle (J).

Light up all the sections.

To solve the puzzle, select the tiles in the order listed (1-3).

Enter the newly-opened door.