This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Examine the lockers and use the PUNCH CARD on the lock. Reexamine the locker; take the ROPE LADDER (J).

Back out.

Examine the pictures and place AUDREY'S PHOTO in the center; take the MOSAIC TILE 1/3 (K).

Examine the window and hook the ROPE LADDER on the hooks (L).

Go through the window.

Examine the door; take the RAZOR (M).

Go to the Pool.

Examine the cloth and use the RAZOR on it (N).

Examine the area under the cloth to access a HOP.

Find the items listed.

Place the skull by the crossbones to get a Jolly Roger (O).

Use the cup on the snake to get snake poison (P).

Place the skate blade on the skate shoe to get an ice skate (Q).

Place the sail on the boat to get a sailboat (R).

You will earn an ANGEL.

Back out.