This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Locate all the items on the list.

Place the bird on the sphere to make the bird on a sphere (S).

Use the knife to cut the rope on the box (T).

Open the box, take the candle, and place it on the stand (U).

Use the matches on the candle (V).

Open the curtain and place the cymbal on the monkey (W).

Open the birdcage, take the saddle, and place it on the horse (X).

Place the rider on the horse (Y).

Find the ankh (Z).

You will earn the FAN.

Walk down.

Look at the campfire and use the FAN on the brushwood (A).

You will earn the BURNING BRANCH.

Walk down.

Walk up the left path (B).

Look at the net; remove it from the 3 nails to take the NET (C).

Note the path on the right (D).

Open the door and enter the shack (E).