This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Look at the harlequin and use the GLASS SHARD on the balloons (A).

Take the CANE (B).

Walk left and forward.

Use the CANE on the statue (C).

Look at the hat; take the CLOWN FIGURE and the 5/24 Fortune Nut (D).

Walk down twice.

Look at the chest and place the CLOWN FIGURE on the lid (E).

Take the CARROT and the 6/24 Fortune Nut (F).

Walk left and enter the magic shop.

Give the CARROT to the rabbit (G).

Use the COMB on his ear and take the MAGIC FUR (H).

Walk down, go forward and enter the weaver's shop.

Look at the paper and use the REVEALING INK on it (I).

Note the weaving machine (J).

Select the wardrobe for a HOP (K).