This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

Move the board and take the clock hand (1). Zoom into the clock and place the clock hand on it. Change the time to 124)0 to get the bird (2).

Place the bird on the seeds and take the butterfly (3).

Place the arm (4) on the dummy (5). Touch the dummy and take the clover (6).

Take the glowing crystal (7).

Zoom into the vase and placc the glowing crystals in it to see the number 713 (8). Zoom into the pod; changc the numbers to 713 and take the moon (9).

Placc the moon, butterfly, and the elover in the slots (10).

Take {he key (11) and use it in the lock; open the chest and take the PLATE 2/2 (12).

Take a closer look at the steps; take the ROPE and the Gem (N).

Go forward on the left. * 4

Take a closer look at the door and put the RED SCARF on the blade. Attach the rope to the blade and take the HUNTING KNIFE (O).

Return to Alura's Flower.