This game, review or walkthrough will coming soon.

Why not try our new game: Candy Snake Master at this moment.


Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots!

ZdOm into the stream; place the LADLE in the water to receivc the LADLE OF WATER (Y).

Go to the Entrance to Lucio's House.

Zoom into the ground; .use the SIEVE on it to rccdvc the CLEAN EARTH (Z).

Go Inside IaicIo'b House.

Zoom into the grate and use the SCREWDRIVER to remove the bolts (A). Remove the grate and take die CABINET KEY (B).

Zoom into the cabinet and use the CABINET KEY in the lock. Turn the key to activate a HOP (C).

Play the HOP.

Put the items back in their place (1-11).

Take the MATCHES (12).

Take a closer look at the table; use the MATCHES on the flower (D) and take the LIFE FLOWER DUST (E).

Examine the top of the fireplace; piacc the LIFE FLOWER SEED into the right nichc (I). Turn the handle j(F) and place the BELLOWS into the center nichc (H).

Place the CLEAN EARTH in the right nichc (I) and then place the LIFE FLOWER DUST in the left nichc (G).

Turn the handle (F) and use the LADLE OF WATER in the center niche (H).

Use the MATCHES in the Itft mche (C)